Thursday, August 28, 2008

"christian radio"

I drive quite a bit for work and often listen to the radio while driving along. My car radio doesn't have great reception so the number of stations I can listen to is limited and it can get a little dull. Sometimes I push the scan button--(that's where it goes to each station it can get a signal from and stays there for 10 seconds so you can decide if you want to listen there)--and instead of picking a station, I just leave it on scan for the trip. Kind of like radio attention deficit disorder.

What really gets me going though is listening to "Christian" talk radio shows. The Christian is in quotation marks because that is what they call their radio programs and ideas but I call myself a Christian too--and let me tell you, we're not playing in the same ball park. I agree with Rob Bell, in his book, "Velvet Elvis" that the word Christian makes a bad adjective but a good noun (I don't have the book in front of me so hope I didn't mess that up too bad.).

On one radio program the the host and guest of the day talked about the people in the World Trade Center attacks that lived because of their specific prayers and faith. On another program a pastor told a caller that when people talk about tolerance in public settings they are really secretly promoting homosexuality. I've listened to numerous hosts and guests talk about how persecuted they and other Christians are for their faith--in the United States. And of course, there's only one true way, and lucky for you, you're listening to the people who can tell you all about it....

Why do I listen? Sometimes I hear something I like or agree with or find interesting in a good way. Often what I hear pushes me to keep thinking and working out the questions of faith that run through my mind, helping me to clarify my thoughts about such things. And as I usually argue out loud with what is being said, it keeps me awake while I'm driving.


kula said...

You are my writing idle. Please post every day so I can feel close to you.

laurablair said...

Hi Wendy - love your blog too! I started mine in Aug 05 as an outlet for me need to write and a place to put all the pictures I take. My family has learned to take cover when I'm around. I'll be looking in on a regular basis - keep posting!