Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's in a name?

Doubt is good. There are so few things in life that I am 100% sure about and I'm always amazed when others present themselves as absolutely certain about their ideas. My dad gave me a book, maybe 15-20 years ago, called "The Myth of Certainty" by Daniel Taylor and I remember that I liked the book but what has really stuck with me is the title. It gave me "permission" in my Christian faith to be comfortable with the questions and doubts that kept pestering me-- without feeling disloyal or less faithful to God. What a relief. Having spent a lifetime in a more liberal arm of the Protestant church and two years at a Bible college, its possible that that information had been presented to me in some form before but with this book it finally sunk in.

So here I am, this many years later, still reminding myself that questioning is okay, uncertainty is normal and doubt is good.

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