Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I figured out how to add a picture tonight--and I've got to say I'm pretty darned impressed with myself. Just like the I-pod thing, even though I'm late to the party, I'm going to have a good time.

When we moved into our current house, I was kindly invited to join, what had originally started as, a neighborhood book club. People have moved so its no longer defined as tightly along neighborhood lines but is kept to about the number 12-13 so there will someone to host each month.

Now this is no ordinary book club. The major discrepancy--we don't really read books--at least not as in "what book should we read and discuss next month". I believe the charter members did the book thing the first year and maybe the second but the last 8 or 9 years --no books. That's not to say that a lot of reading isn't done. But its not really a team sport with this book club. We might mention what we read but don't discuss it.

But, what we do do (I know there are two dos there)is have a helluva lot of fun together. What a wild variety of women we are and what an amazing gift of friends. We are married, divorced, living with significant others, mothers, not mothers, grandmothers, we have a wide range of spiritual beliefs, a wide range of educational and work backgrounds, short, tall, thin, thick, quiet and not so quiet.

We went to a cabin this summer and had a rip-roaring good time (and in the way that late nights can make things happen, came back calling ourselves Daisies-and that's all I'm going to say about that-although its really not so sinister as it sounds) and came back with these tattoos.

To the daisies--you're the best, thanks for the invitation.

1 comment:

kula said...

I envy your friendships and social ties, not in the resentful kind of envy just the painful lack of such ties in my own life. You are truely blessed