Saturday, June 6, 2009

One of these days

Over and over, I am amazed with the abundance of fine people in my life. This week has been full of reminders that these connections with people are what save this crabby middle aged "antisocial misanthrope" (see last post) from an empty, sad and misspent life. It would be wonderful to be eloquent enough to tell people what their presence in my life has meant--but it seems that the words often fail or sound cliche.

I'm not a hugger, I'm not good at remembering birthdays or other special days, I'm not good at thoughtful gestures or gifts but:

"One of these days,
I'm gonna sit down
and write a long letter
To all the good friends I've known
And I'm gonna try
and thank them
for all the good times together
One of these days"
Neil Young

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