I had a GREAT IDEA last year and I told my friend, Kim, about it. Kim, knowing that I am the queen of procrastinators, took it upon herself to put the GREAT IDEA into action right away. She invited about four families over and had each of them make a pot of soup and bring it and Ta Da!! the SOUP SUPPERS (MY GREAT IDEA)were started. Now we, a loose gathering of 4-6 families, get together a couple of times a month, for soup. We talk and laugh, occasionally play a game or sing, but mostly just enjoy being together. Its great fun and cheap. {If you want to be invited, let me know--it's not an exclusive group}
As we were sitting around talking at our last soup supper, Sandy mentioned that she had been watching MTV (not because she's shallow and has no purpose in her life) and found out that Prince's song "Little Red Corvette" does not refer to a car. (I'm not going to explain it-but call me and I'll give you Sandy's number). Other song titles were brought up that were euphemistic, or as I like to say, downright misleading, including the Beatle's "Norwegian Wood", the Doors, "Light My Fire"--and others that I can't remember now. I have to believe some of Elton John's titles would be on the list as well as Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4".
I felt very naive but reassured that at least the country music people know how to title their songs; "Liked you better before I knew you so well" or "Her teeth was stained but her heart was pure" or "If I had shot you when I wanted to I'd be out by now".
It could be that my sense of humor is only getting more juvenile as I get older.
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