Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rewriting my resume to include hockey mom

I'm wishing I had thought to put "Hockey Mom" on my last resume--look where its taken Sarah Palin. One of the benefits of having a lot of kids is that I'm going to get to put a lot of things on my new resume--Gymnastics Mom, Soccer Mom, Basketball Mom, Chess Club Mom, Girls on the Run Mom, Cub Scout Mom, Softball Mom, Tennis Mom, Garage Band Mom, Webkinz Mom, Illegal Consumption Mom, Christmas Pageant Mom, School Band Mom, Detention Again Mom---the list is endless. Even though I'm not looking for a new job, I'm sure my beefed up resume will so impress my supervisor that I'll be looking at a big raise soon.

Now, I'm not claiming that I was any good at being any of these kind of "mom's" but I tried to show up (well, not really all the time and I often brought a book, but that's another story), I made sure, with a whole lot of help from Mr. Wonderful, that the paperwork was done, the kids had rides, and the uniforms were clean. Mostly its been great for the kids and fun for us--but its a bit of hassle and work too. I'm not complaining--its part of the job of parenting--and I don't think you should get extra credit for it when running for political office--especially since I doubt the governor spent much time outside the hockey arena late at night, waiting for practice to get over to pick up her child or was constantly searching for ways to diminish the "hockey aroma" from the trunk of the car.

I know a lot of hockey moms and Sarah Palin wouldn't make the team around here.

1 comment:

Pa Rock said...

Thanks for stopping by my Ramble. You write very well - I enjoyed reading through your postings. Social workers have lots of interesting views!

Pa Rock
Goodyear, AZ